Отправлено 25 December 2010 - 20:24
Correct BF2 install method
1. Install BF2 using image or DVD (Use CDkey or keygen)
2. Install Patch 1.41
3. Install Patch 1.50
4. starting the game
Отправлено 25 December 2010 - 20:25
How to Update punkbuster
Step 1: http://www.punkbuste...age=pbsetup.php visit this site and scroll down to the pbsetup.exe link.
Step 2: Either run or save the program.
Step 3: Click add game select "game of your choice".
Step 4: Click check for updates.
Отправлено 25 December 2010 - 20:27
You can manually uninstall the game by removing the files and registry keys associated with it. Be sure to follow these steps exactly as they appear to prevent accidental file/program deletion on your system.
note: To manually uninstall the Battlefield 2: Euro Force booster pack you must do a complete uninstall of Battlefield 2 from your system.
To delete the save files:
1. Open My Documents.
2. Right-click on the Battlefield 2 folder and choose Delete.
To delete the game files (in the default location):
1. Open My Computer.
2. Open the C drive.
3. Open the Program Files folder.
4. Open the EA GAMES folder.
5. Right-click on the Battlefield 2 folder and choose Delete.
6. Close all open windows.
7. Right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose Empty Recycle Bin.
to edit the registry and remove Battlefield 2:
1. Click on the Start button.
2. Click on Run.
3. Type regedit in the text field.
4. Click File and then choose Export.
5. Name the file Backup and make sure the Export Range is set to All.
6. Click Save; you will now be returned to the Registry Editor window.
7. Click the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
8. Click the plus sign next to Software.
9. Click the plus sign next to DICE.
10. Right-click on the Battlefield 2 folder and choose Delete.
11. Click the plus sign next to Electronic Arts.
12. Right-click and choose Delete on any Battlefield 2 folders.
13. Click the plus sign next to Microsoft.
14. Click the plus sign next to Windows.
15. Click the plus sign next to CurrentVersion.
16. Click the plus sign next to Uninstall.
17. Right-click on the key named {04858915-9F49-4B2A-AED4-DC49A7DE6A7B} andchoose Delete.
18. A Confirm Key Delete window will appear, choose Yes.
19. Close the WindowsRegistry Editor.
20. Go to the following folder: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information (If you cannot find this folder you may have to go to Tools > Folder Settings and click the setting to “SHOW hidden folders.”)
21. Find the folders with the exact same values as the registry keys above and delete them.
22. Empty the recycle bin once more.
Отправлено 02 January 2011 - 10:00
Download (Launcher) bf2.exe BF2.LV EXE ili BF2.LV EXE
Zapuskaite bf2.exe i tam uvidite 4to gde kak delatj!
I igraijte spokoino ego mowna kidatj v papke s igroij mowna na desktope mowna gde ugodno toko zahadi 4erez nego( mowna igratj s launcherom mowna ispolzovatj tolko 4tobe otkritj anloki),no na drugie servere 4erez nego ne zahadite polu4ete perm ban na cdkey!

Vsego horo6ego

P.S. - Etot launcher vremeni poka glavnie admini ne zdelaet novij!

Отправлено 16 January 2011 - 22:17
адрес сервера ts.bf2.lv
Отправлено 22 January 2011 - 00:20
1 - open the windows explorer and go to 'C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2' and create a folder with the name '! Bkp-bp'
2 - go to 'C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2 \ pb', copy the files
and paste them in the folder that you created, '! bkp-bp'.
3 - you can download from a pbsvc.exe
* steps 1, 2 and 3 will be made only once. the other will be made whenever you play for, before the opening game.
4 - open the program pbsvc.exe
5 - select the "Un-Install/Remove PunkBuster Service 'and click next, then finish.
6 - go to 'C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2 \ pb', and delete all the files it has within it, the root (only the files, not folders' dll ',' htm 'and' scrnshot ')
7 - go to the folder 'dll' (C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2 \ bp \ dll) and delete the files that are inside (must be two files with the extension. Dll, but if you have more , Delete without fear).
8 - go to the folder 'htm' (C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2 \ bp \ htm) and delete the files that exist beyond these, the words, those listed below are those that are:
la001310.htm (not delete this)
lc001110.htm (not delete this)
ma001310.htm (not delete this)
mc001110.htm (not delete this)
wa001310.htm (not delete this)
wc001110.htm (not delete this)
this seems complicated, but it is not. these six files. htm listed above are installed from the CD of the battlefield, the others are updates of punkbuster. then, the files you will delete (in my case are always two files), have recent dates. and those listed here are former date.
9 - cut the dll files in the folder 'bkp-bp' and paste them in the folder 'pb' (C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2 \ pb)
Отправлено 22 January 2011 - 00:22
This is a guide for how to fix the problem with PnkBstrB.exe which a lot of ppl experience having problems with after PB have update their system..
NOTE: This can also be used for other games than COD4..
First of all:
- Go to punkbuster.com and find your game, and manually download the files on there
If that doesn't work:
- Go to http://www.evenbalance.com/ and download Pbsetup ( or press this link ) install, add your game, and click update punkbuster for this game
If this doesn't work either:
- Go to http://www.evenbalance.com/ and download PBSVC.exe ( or press this link ) and install.
Now press:
Go into processes
Find punkbuster, and shut it down
(There MAY not be a process running called PB, but check anyway)
Now run PBSVC.exe and choose: In/reinstall:
Now there's two options:
1) It says problem has been fixed (Haven't experienced this yet)
2) It says there's a mistake
If 1) then enjoy gaming
If 2) There's an entire new procedure to follow.
2.1) Make sure nothing is running that uses PB (fx. COD4 that u've minimized, PB in processes and so on)
2.2) Now open PBSVC and choose: Uninstall Punkbuster
Press this link for large image size
2.3) Go to your System 32 folder, and find the files called PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB -> Delete them
2.4) Make sure that your PB folder is deleted in the game that are making problems, ex: ...\COD4\PB
2.5) Now download CC Cleaner, Install and run it..
Go down into Registry
Search the registry, and clean what it finds..
Do this 3 times or untill it doesn't show any things that can be cleaned
2.6) Reboot your computer
2.7) Now open PBSVC again, and use: Install Punkbuster (Uninstall shouldn't be avaible to choose)
Let it install..
2.8 ) Open your game and log on to a server..
2.9a) Either the game work and you are ready to go
2.9b) It still doesnt work, and you therefore contact me on one of the following methods written below..
Отправлено 05 February 2011 - 00:48
Отправлено 05 February 2011 - 10:40
Bel (05 February 2011 - 00:48) писал:
Отправлено 19 February 2011 - 00:11
Отправлено 19 February 2011 - 00:42
Отправлено 22 February 2011 - 01:47
3 аккаунта уже для тестав есть и куй зеленый и нифига не бобов нет
Отправлено 22 February 2011 - 06:35
Отправлено 23 February 2011 - 20:23
Axel_F (22 February 2011 - 01:47) писал:
3 аккаунта уже для тестав есть и куй зеленый и нифига не бобов нет
Po moimu ti ne dognal 4to to private ranked server ( et zna4et ne off server a odelnij ot nih ne global a private) i stata tolko na etogo servera i ne uvide6 ti svoi stati na bfhq :P
Na www.bf2.lv starice mowna stati posmoretj (tam pokazivaet inogda viletae na mits.lv no zaidi popowee budet www.bf2.lv)
Отправлено 24 February 2011 - 00:23
Отправлено 24 February 2011 - 11:37
CrowL1nG (24 February 2011 - 00:23) писал:
Nu raz ti vsjo tak prekrasno znae6 to ti dolwen znatj i to 4to netu poka launchera kotorij otkrivaet anloki,a gde dostatj rabo4ij starij dawe ja ne znajo i winda u menja tokaja 4to u menja oni vse nerabotajot dawe kotorij spec dlja menja zdelani :D
Отправлено 24 February 2011 - 12:47
- в папке C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ создать файл hosts.ics и вписать в него строку: bf2web.gamespy.com
Если там уже такой файл есть, то откройте его и поглядите, нет ли там такой строчки с другим IP.
Если есть то измените на
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