Год производства: 2005 г.
Жанр: 3D D&D RPG, Yuri
Разработчик: ZyX
Издательство: G-Collections
Платформа: PC/Windows
Возрастное ограничение: 18+
Цензура: Отсутствует
Тип издания: Оригинальная
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Язык: Японский (голоса персонажей)
Язык: Английский (текстинтерфейс)
Системные требования:
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/Win7
Pentium 2 300 mhz или быстрее.
210 MB на жестоком диске.
Я Рейди - искатель приключений (на разные части тела). Моей воле подвластна молния, поэтому люди зовут меня "воин молнии". "Почему я стою у этой башни?" - потому, что об этом попросили жители деревни Саада. Я пришла для того чтобы превратить ее в руины.
Вообще то в ней живут монстры, которые воруют девушек из деревни, и никто кроме меня не захотел спасти их...ужасно. Когда я услышала эту историю я поняла что мое место здесь в башне!
В этой коридорной 3D RPG от первого лица, в роли Райди вы должны победить монстров ( прекрасно нарисованных мутантов- лесбиянок (художник Kazuma Muramasa и его юрийная команда)) и освободить прекрасных девущек Саада.
Доп. информация:
Инструкция по "Extras"
1. [Anthology] Lightning Warrior Raidy [ENG] - манга по LWR
2. raidy2op.mpg - проморолик LWR2
3. RAIDYUS.SAV - сейв для полного открытия галереи (скопировать в директорию установленной игры с заменой и снять атрибут "только чтение" )
1st Floor
Suggested sequence of events:
1. Find the Old Key and unlock the door leading to the Broad Sword.
2. Find the CAPTIVE GIRLS and find out how to defeat the Boss.
3. Find the 1st Floor Map.
4. Find & defeat the Boss.
ooo : Door, just use it.
@@@ : Locked door, find the key to unlock it.
=== : Tower exit, Raidy refuses to use it.
[#] : Chest, open it.
/'. : Stairs that lead to the next floor.

[1] : 5x Light Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[2] : 5x Light Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[3] : Old Key
[4] : Broad Sword
[5] : 5x Light Heal Potion + 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Mental Heal
[6] : 1st Floor Map
[7] : 5x Light Heal Potion + 5x Mental Heal + 5x Remove Poison
2nd Floor
Suggested sequence of events:
1. Find the Key Ring.
2. Find the CAPTIVE GIRLS and find out how to defeat the Boss.
3. Find the CHARMED MAN and watch the scene.
4. Find the 2nd Floor Map.
5. Unlock the door leading to the Chain Armor.
6. Find & defeat the Boss.
... : Fake wall, just walk through it.
(#) : Teleporter, it teleports you to -#-.
-#- : Destination point, teleported there by (#).
V : Stairs that lead to the previous floor.

[1] : 5x Light Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[2] : Key Ring
[3] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[4] : 5x Light Heal Potion + 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery
[5] : 2nd Floor Map
[6] : Chain Armor
3rd Floor
Suggested sequence of events:
1. Find the CHARMED MAN, watch the scene and take the Jail Key.
2. Use the Jail Key inside the "EMPTY" CELL to get the Morion Earrings.
3. Find the Bastard Sword. Damage is great but you may not want to equip it right away since it tends to miss a lot until you reach level 14.
4. Find the 3rd Floor Map.
5. Find & defeat the Boss.

[1] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[2] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Mental Heal
[3] : Poison Trap
[4] : Bastard Sword
[5] : Poison Trap
[6] : 3rd Floor Map
[7] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery + 5x Remove Poison
4th Floor
Suggested sequence of events:
1. Find the CAPTIVE GIRLS and find out how to defeat the Boss.
2. Find the 4th Floor Map.
3. Find the Plate Armor.
4. Find the Golden Cross and unlock the door.
5. Find & defeat the Boss.
6. Find the CHARMED MAN and watch the scene.
xxx : Fake door, don't bother.
{#} : Two-way teleporter, self explanatory.
REV : Auto-turn, you instantly perform a right turn

[1] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[2] : Poison Trap
[3] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Heavy Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery
[4] : Poison Trap
[5] : 4th Floor Map
[6] : Plate Armor
[7] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery
[8] : Golden Cross
5th Floor
Suggested sequence of events:
1. Find the CAPTIVE GIRLS and find out how to defeat the Boss.
2. Find the 5th Floor Map.
3. Find the Angel Statue.
4. Backtrack and place the Angel Statue on the correct Pedestal to unlock the door.
5. Find the Mithril Sword.
6. Find & defeat the Boss.
180 : Auto-turn, you instantly perform a 180 degree turn.
/'. : Pedestal, does not unlock any doors, it's there to mislead you.
/'. : Pedestal, unlocks the locked door.

[1] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Remove Poison
[2] : 5th Floor Map
[3] : Angel Statue
[4] : 5x Heavy Heal Potion + 5x Mental Health
[5] : 5x Heavy Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery + 5x Remove Poison
[6] : Mithril Sword
6th Floor
Suggested sequence of events:
1. Find the ORGY and watch the hilarious scene. Oooooi!
(NOTE: G-Collections apparently missed a line here).
2. Find the 6th Floor Map.
3. Find the Mithril Armor.
4. Solve the riddle to unlock the door leading to the Boss.
5. Find & defeat the Boss.
?? : "MECWYS is the key..." hint, for solving the riddle.
ES : East switch, press the red button.
SS : South switch, press the yellow button.
WS : West switch, press the blue button.

[1] : 6th Floor Map
[2] : 5x Heavy Heal Potion + 5x Mental Health
[3] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery
[4] : 5x Middle Heal Potion + 5x Heavy Heal Potion + 5x Mental Recovery
[5] : Mithril Armor