Год производства: 2009 г.
Жанр: VN
Разработчик: Navel
Издательство: Mangagamer
Платформа: PC/Windows
Возрастное ограничение: 18+
Цензура: Отсутствует
Тип издания: Пиратка
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Язык: Японский (голоса персонажей)
Язык: Английский (текст/интерфейс)
Системные требования:
Pentium III 800MHz, ОЗУ: 256MB видеокарта совместимая с DirectX 8.1, Direct3D (32MB VRAM ) OS: Win9xXPVistaWin7
Однажды, в старых руинах открылась пара порталов. Один ведет в мир "Демонов", другой в мир "Богов". Объединение миров вызвало сильные изменения в общественной жизни их граждан.
Эта история случилась в городе "N" некой страны. Главный герой спокойненько жил себе в этом городе, пока ... по соседству с ним не поселилось две новых семьи, главами которых оказались "Правитель Богов" и "Правитель Демонов". Оба "правителя" переехали в город "N" по просьбе своих обворожительных дочурок, естественно влюбленных в Вас.
Давным давно, когда Вы еще были ребенком, совершенно случайно Вы познакомились с ними. Это были короткие встречи, но Вы так запали девочкам в душу, что они помнят эти встречи до сих пор.
Вот с этого и начинается наша история, полная сложностей и несчастий, но и дающая луч надежды, история которая коснется каждого во вселенной трех миров.
Доп. информация:
Установки не требует.
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Lisianthus (or Sia) is the daughter of the King of Gods. Cute and cheerful, she is considered a royal among the Gods. Rin actually met her 8 years ago. The King of God took Sia along when they came to the human world for some diplomatic business. Sia found the inspection to be extremely boring and escaped the event, in the end
she got lost, It was during that time she met Rin, and befriended each other easily during their first met. Sia has an affection to rain, and Rin questions her affection since whoever likes rain must be a depressed and gloomy person, which in opposite Sia doesn't looked like one. Her reason of liking rain is actually one of the major plot for Sia's path, and you have to find it out on your own. Academic wise, Sia is average, but a failure in both English and History, the reason why she is a failure is because she hated the subjects, and I have no idea why as it was never explained.
Sia has 3 mothers. Since in Heaven, there is a benefit where you can have more than one wife. We know Rin is a perverted pimp, so he will most likely get 2 or 3 more wives after marrying Sia...In the anime version, Sia's personality is extreme enough to make the game version of Sia lovely.(though this is my own opinion...)
Sia is also both bold and straight in actions sometimes, and doesn't feel shy to say it out loud. Though it sometimes create troubles to Rin. Her father (Shinoh) often screws himself up by always giving unwanted troubles for both Rin and Sia, which often ended up providing endless comical relieve to the audiences.
Pathway :
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A or B it doesn't matter.
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose A or B. I personally prefer A.
From here, there would be two routes.
Sia Route:
Choose B.
Choose A.
Kikyou Route:
Choose A.
Choose B.
Nerine, or sometimes nicknamed "Rin", (Sia and Mayumi calls her Rin-chan, Despite Mayumi being a half demon.), is the daughter of the King of Demons. Gentle, kind and soft-spoken; but ironically bad at choirs and cooking, which is the polar opposite of her biological mother, Sage.
It was also 8 years ago that Nerine first met Rin (I found the word "fate" to be extremely biased for Rin), when Nerine was wandering around the human world by herself, gotten lost and did not know the way back home, Rin found her on the playground and they spent time playing with each other. In the end, Nerine developed a crush on Rin.
Nerine has a wonderful singing voice, which net her the title of "The Angel Bell" by her friends around - but she does not like the title. Which Rin noticed.
Nerine has a good control of magic, more so than Sia, which she can easily destroy things that surrounds her; If only she was actually triggered by irrational anger, it was evident when one actually badmouths Rin, a guy whom she loves. It was also noted that her magic is so powerful that it can destroy two cities in one blast - Which she proved herself to be a capable bodyguard for Rin.
Nerine excels at almost every subject, except for P.E and Home Economics. Her story is considered one of the simplest and typical for most of the Shuffle! fanbase, which in resulted in Nerine being the most underrated Shuffle! girls of all time, to make up for it, Navel developed Tick! Tack! game, a sequel for Shuffle!
on Nerine's path as a story to further emphasizes more on Nerine's background and her family and serves as a bonus for Nerine fans.
Pathway :
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose A or B.
Kaede is a sweetheart childhood friend of Rin where she lost her mother 8 years ago together with Rin's parents. Her story in the anime version was actually better than the game (see the section below for more details). Her personality can be a double edge sword due to a traumatic experience both of them had during their
younger days...
Kaede is basically a perfect, ideal housewife. Excelled in cooking, choirs, and studies. And a "maid" to Rin as well, basically her image is like a total devoted wife of Rin though both of them are just childhood friends. Rin had troubles getting used to Kaede's devotion though it wasn't as serious as what he had thought to be.
Kaede rarely gets angry and puts on smiling on her face throughout the majority of the game. Because of the extremely sweet personality she was crowned "The Princess of Barbena High School" where almost every males couldn't resist her (as do I). To an extreme, some devoted fans of Kaede created a "KKK" clan to worship Kaede (KKK stands for Kitto Kitto Kaede, I know. Please stop the Ku Klux Klan
jokes thank you), and tried very hard to prevent Rin from being close to Kaede, though in the game, it plays a very minor role yet it does give big troubles to Rin when the KKK members rushes for a "revenge" on Rin. In addition of that, Kaede can be a ditzy girl at times, not knowing of what she might stumbled across until it's too late.
Kaede is excellent in studies as mentioned above, and basically if there is a real life version of Kaede, she would be your perfection selection for a wife.
Pathway :
Choose B.
Choose C.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A or B. Doesn't matter.
Choose A.
Choose A or B.
Asa is Rin's friend and a senior, being one year older than Rin. Asa is perhaps one of the best character in Shuffle! series, and also the famous character in the Shuffle! fanbase.
In contrast to Kaede, Asa is much outgoing, cheerful and hyper, which includes her trademark greeting to Rin : Hitting on Rin's back without notice. In end created a love and hate relationship between the two. Asa acts like a sister to Rin, giving advices and sometimes helped Rin in various stuff. Asa knows Rin and Kaede during Junior High, and she was the one that trainned Kaede to be a good cook, a reason why Kaede was excellent in cooking would be the reason - And sometimes giving her various recipies to try out for Rin. Nerine was also being taught by Asa as well, as a skill for Nerine to must have as a marriage candidate for Rin. In addition
to that, Asa is also an excellent cook herself, which comes off as a surprise to Rin and others because Asa doesn't look like one, so she is nicknamed "Shocking Shigure".
Asa is accompanied with one of her friends, Kareha. Which is one of the Gods, and also Asa's classmate.
Currently Asa is living with her mother. Ama. who is also well liked by some fans, some hated her as well. Ama might look like a mother, but she acts differently and does not look like she's one. Though there might be a reason behind it.
Asa extremely dislikes magic, though the reason behind it is unknown to Rin.
Pathway :
Choose B.
Choose D.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose A or B.
Primula is a strange soft spoken girl that looks like 12 or 13, Actually she is older than she looks.
To begin her background, Primula is neither a demon, a god, nor a human either. Shinoh and Maoh once conducted a research on lifeforms to expand the powers of magic. The purpose of the research is to turn from limitations of magic into endless possiblities. Therefore, an artificial lifeform has to be created to make this possible. The first subject used turned to be an error due to the lifeform's body couldn't sustain such powerful magic infused onto it, in return the whole research center was destroyed and the plan went horribly backfired. Therefore, to continue the research, they learned the mistake and revised the plan, and a second subject - the first ever artificial lifeform with a massive magic ability was used, but in the end it again went backfired but instead of the same mistake, the subject went missing (heavily
related to the game's overall plot). Primula is the third subject to the project and is actually the second artificial lifeform to continue the research instead of using existing lifeform. It was a success, though the result wasn't entirely satisfying due to the imbalance it creates.
Initially Primula doesn't have emotions. Her behaviour might have been a result of isolation she had during her younger days. Her reason of being in the story was because she had heard of Rin from someone she knew when she was in the research center. Eager to know who Rin actually is, she escaped herself from the research center and went to the human world to began her search for Rin, in the end she found him. Shinoh and Maoh was surprised as first, but in the end they let Primula staying with Rin and Kaede for reasons.
People often mistook Primula as a child because of her body size, because of it Rin was experiencing troubles bringing her along, dealing more blows to Rin's repultation as if having Sia, Nerine and Kaede wasn't enough for a feed of jealousy (poor Rin). Because of Primula's having shallow knowledges on human world, it embarasses Rin even more when Primula directly began to cling on Rin, creating a scene at the school.
Primula has no knowledge on bras, the only humor that creates a big embarassment to Rin and possibly Kaede and others, too.
Pathway :
*To get Primula, you have to complete either Lisianthus, Nerine, or Kaede's path to get it, without either one of the paths cleared, you'll be redirected to Kaede's path regardless of your attempt.
Pathway :
Choose A.
Choose D.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose C.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A or B.
Lisianthus (or Sia) is the daughter of the King of Gods. Cute and cheerful, she is considered a royal among the Gods. Rin actually met her 8 years ago. The King of God took Sia along when they came to the human world for some diplomatic business. Sia found the inspection to be extremely boring and escaped the event, in the end
she got lost, It was during that time she met Rin, and befriended each other easily during their first met. Sia has an affection to rain, and Rin questions her affection since whoever likes rain must be a depressed and gloomy person, which in opposite Sia doesn't looked like one. Her reason of liking rain is actually one of the major plot for Sia's path, and you have to find it out on your own. Academic wise, Sia is average, but a failure in both English and History, the reason why she is a failure is because she hated the subjects, and I have no idea why as it was never explained.
Sia has 3 mothers. Since in Heaven, there is a benefit where you can have more than one wife. We know Rin is a perverted pimp, so he will most likely get 2 or 3 more wives after marrying Sia...In the anime version, Sia's personality is extreme enough to make the game version of Sia lovely.(though this is my own opinion...)
Sia is also both bold and straight in actions sometimes, and doesn't feel shy to say it out loud. Though it sometimes create troubles to Rin. Her father (Shinoh) often screws himself up by always giving unwanted troubles for both Rin and Sia, which often ended up providing endless comical relieve to the audiences.
Pathway :
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A or B it doesn't matter.
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose A or B. I personally prefer A.
From here, there would be two routes.
Sia Route:
Choose B.
Choose A.
Kikyou Route:
Choose A.
Choose B.
Nerine, or sometimes nicknamed "Rin", (Sia and Mayumi calls her Rin-chan, Despite Mayumi being a half demon.), is the daughter of the King of Demons. Gentle, kind and soft-spoken; but ironically bad at choirs and cooking, which is the polar opposite of her biological mother, Sage.
It was also 8 years ago that Nerine first met Rin (I found the word "fate" to be extremely biased for Rin), when Nerine was wandering around the human world by herself, gotten lost and did not know the way back home, Rin found her on the playground and they spent time playing with each other. In the end, Nerine developed a crush on Rin.
Nerine has a wonderful singing voice, which net her the title of "The Angel Bell" by her friends around - but she does not like the title. Which Rin noticed.
Nerine has a good control of magic, more so than Sia, which she can easily destroy things that surrounds her; If only she was actually triggered by irrational anger, it was evident when one actually badmouths Rin, a guy whom she loves. It was also noted that her magic is so powerful that it can destroy two cities in one blast - Which she proved herself to be a capable bodyguard for Rin.
Nerine excels at almost every subject, except for P.E and Home Economics. Her story is considered one of the simplest and typical for most of the Shuffle! fanbase, which in resulted in Nerine being the most underrated Shuffle! girls of all time, to make up for it, Navel developed Tick! Tack! game, a sequel for Shuffle!
on Nerine's path as a story to further emphasizes more on Nerine's background and her family and serves as a bonus for Nerine fans.
Pathway :
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose A or B.
Kaede is a sweetheart childhood friend of Rin where she lost her mother 8 years ago together with Rin's parents. Her story in the anime version was actually better than the game (see the section below for more details). Her personality can be a double edge sword due to a traumatic experience both of them had during their
younger days...
Kaede is basically a perfect, ideal housewife. Excelled in cooking, choirs, and studies. And a "maid" to Rin as well, basically her image is like a total devoted wife of Rin though both of them are just childhood friends. Rin had troubles getting used to Kaede's devotion though it wasn't as serious as what he had thought to be.
Kaede rarely gets angry and puts on smiling on her face throughout the majority of the game. Because of the extremely sweet personality she was crowned "The Princess of Barbena High School" where almost every males couldn't resist her (as do I). To an extreme, some devoted fans of Kaede created a "KKK" clan to worship Kaede (KKK stands for Kitto Kitto Kaede, I know. Please stop the Ku Klux Klan
jokes thank you), and tried very hard to prevent Rin from being close to Kaede, though in the game, it plays a very minor role yet it does give big troubles to Rin when the KKK members rushes for a "revenge" on Rin. In addition of that, Kaede can be a ditzy girl at times, not knowing of what she might stumbled across until it's too late.
Kaede is excellent in studies as mentioned above, and basically if there is a real life version of Kaede, she would be your perfection selection for a wife.
Pathway :
Choose B.
Choose C.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A or B. Doesn't matter.
Choose A.
Choose A or B.
Asa is Rin's friend and a senior, being one year older than Rin. Asa is perhaps one of the best character in Shuffle! series, and also the famous character in the Shuffle! fanbase.
In contrast to Kaede, Asa is much outgoing, cheerful and hyper, which includes her trademark greeting to Rin : Hitting on Rin's back without notice. In end created a love and hate relationship between the two. Asa acts like a sister to Rin, giving advices and sometimes helped Rin in various stuff. Asa knows Rin and Kaede during Junior High, and she was the one that trainned Kaede to be a good cook, a reason why Kaede was excellent in cooking would be the reason - And sometimes giving her various recipies to try out for Rin. Nerine was also being taught by Asa as well, as a skill for Nerine to must have as a marriage candidate for Rin. In addition
to that, Asa is also an excellent cook herself, which comes off as a surprise to Rin and others because Asa doesn't look like one, so she is nicknamed "Shocking Shigure".
Asa is accompanied with one of her friends, Kareha. Which is one of the Gods, and also Asa's classmate.
Currently Asa is living with her mother. Ama. who is also well liked by some fans, some hated her as well. Ama might look like a mother, but she acts differently and does not look like she's one. Though there might be a reason behind it.
Asa extremely dislikes magic, though the reason behind it is unknown to Rin.
Pathway :
Choose B.
Choose D.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose A.
Choose A or B.
Primula is a strange soft spoken girl that looks like 12 or 13, Actually she is older than she looks.
To begin her background, Primula is neither a demon, a god, nor a human either. Shinoh and Maoh once conducted a research on lifeforms to expand the powers of magic. The purpose of the research is to turn from limitations of magic into endless possiblities. Therefore, an artificial lifeform has to be created to make this possible. The first subject used turned to be an error due to the lifeform's body couldn't sustain such powerful magic infused onto it, in return the whole research center was destroyed and the plan went horribly backfired. Therefore, to continue the research, they learned the mistake and revised the plan, and a second subject - the first ever artificial lifeform with a massive magic ability was used, but in the end it again went backfired but instead of the same mistake, the subject went missing (heavily
related to the game's overall plot). Primula is the third subject to the project and is actually the second artificial lifeform to continue the research instead of using existing lifeform. It was a success, though the result wasn't entirely satisfying due to the imbalance it creates.
Initially Primula doesn't have emotions. Her behaviour might have been a result of isolation she had during her younger days. Her reason of being in the story was because she had heard of Rin from someone she knew when she was in the research center. Eager to know who Rin actually is, she escaped herself from the research center and went to the human world to began her search for Rin, in the end she found him. Shinoh and Maoh was surprised as first, but in the end they let Primula staying with Rin and Kaede for reasons.
People often mistook Primula as a child because of her body size, because of it Rin was experiencing troubles bringing her along, dealing more blows to Rin's repultation as if having Sia, Nerine and Kaede wasn't enough for a feed of jealousy (poor Rin). Because of Primula's having shallow knowledges on human world, it embarasses Rin even more when Primula directly began to cling on Rin, creating a scene at the school.
Primula has no knowledge on bras, the only humor that creates a big embarassment to Rin and possibly Kaede and others, too.
Pathway :
*To get Primula, you have to complete either Lisianthus, Nerine, or Kaede's path to get it, without either one of the paths cleared, you'll be redirected to Kaede's path regardless of your attempt.
Pathway :
Choose A.
Choose D.
Choose A.
Choose B.
Choose C.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose B.
Choose A or B.